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PS3 set to deliver worldwide daily news

From PS3 Attitude: "During the Sony Strategic Meeting in Tokyo today, Sony announced a service that will allow PS3 owners to view daily world news interactively.

The system, billed under their Life with PlayStation brand, allows you to zoom around a virtual globe (not unlike the one in the Folding@Home application) and gain world news from various cities. The service will allow later on for geo-tagged pictures to be viewed on the globe, and is part of a whole slew of non-game services Sony are planning for the future.

The idea is a simple one. Since many people switch on their TVs in the morning to get news of what is going on, Sony want you to switch on your PS3 as well and use that to deliver the information you require, whilst playing music in the background and linking into other services to be announced in the future.

Since this new Life with PlayStation brand has been announced in a Strategic Meeting that concentrated on services that will be launched before March 2009, I think we can assume these new features will appear in the following eight months.

Source : ps3attitude


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