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Fun RideTM

Kids love the excitement of flying through the air while they hang onto the Fun Ride's sturdy handles. Attach the ride's cable to two trees or other strong supports; kids grab the handles and take off, gliding and soaring through space. Safe, durable and easy to assemble, the Fun Ride comes with a strong steel cable (35 feet long), hardware and illustrated instructions. Weight limit: 100 pounds. Hours of fun for children ages 5 to 12.

The Fun Ride Deluxe, comes with hardware and illustrated instructions and a 70-foot-long cable that can hold up to 225 pounds, big "kids" and adults can thrill to a flying fun ride, too.

The Fun Ride Super Z, comes with hardware and illustrated instructions and a 90 foot-long cable can hold up to 250 lbs. and is the longest, fastest, safest zip line around.


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